just for laughs

Tonight was Meet the Teacher at Stone Ridge.  Everyone comes, fills out ridiculous amounts of paperwork and drops off their supplies.  I have 25 kids... that means 50 parents (not including step-parents) and countless siblings.  To give you a little taste of tonight, let me begin by saying we found two spiders causing three children to jump off the reading carpet like their pants were on fire.  One child mixed up all the numbers on my hundreds chart while another played on my computer and stole Hershey's kisses off my desk.  My favorite event, however, was when I gave permission to two siblings to play with basketballs.  They're so flat they won't do any damage anyway.  Their dad, however, did not appreciate the noise and told them to put up the basketballs.  This next part melted my heart: "Teacher, my dad said we can't play with the basketballs and I told him you said we could but he made us put them up!"  Thankfully none of these events involved my third graders - only their younger siblings who won't be joining us on a daily basis!  It's going to be a great year in room 207!


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