mi familia

I love my family!  Christmas round one was spent here with my parents, brother and sister-in-law.  It reminds me how much we've all grown up.  Landon and I have a house, Nate and Whitney have a house and we're not depending on our parents to host everything anymore.  It was kind of cool to be the baker of the ham this year.  Christmas round two was with Landon's slightly larger and louder family.  His aunt Mary has become to default home for the holidays on his mom's side of the family, so we decided to give her a break this year.  His cousin who we haven't seen since our wedding came down to join in the family fun.  Eight pots of coffee later, we were sitting on the couch alone staring at half a pecan pie, half an italian cream cake and a whole pumpkin pie.  I couldn't help but think "What did we get ourselves into?"

We're going to Mamaw and Papaw's this weekend for Christmas with my dad's side of the family.  Unlike Thanksgiving, we get to spend the night and spend more time with them.  I have an amazing husband.  He's taking his 3-day weekend to go to Texas and celebrate with my family because he knows it's important to me.  He very easily could tell me to go and have fun but he has more important things to do.  Instead, he'll get up early Friday morning, whether he's worn out from a death call or not, and we'll head to Waco.  I hope my daughter grows up to marry a man as dedicated to his family as her Daddy is.

I'm reminded more and more with each passing Christmas that we're just not kids anymore.  My brother and I were never hung up on presents.  We didn't have the money to buy a lot, so it just wasn't a huge priority.  Landon, however, has always been lavished with gifts.  Don't get me wrong - I received several gift cards and have already spent most of them on a list I've been creating for a while.  But, the older we get and the more Christmas get-togethers we host, the focus is shifting from presents and stuff to people and fellowship.  That's something I want people to recognize in us: we're about God and family and not about stuff.  Whether we're eating, opening presents, or playing dominoes, we want Him to receive the glory.  After all, Christmas IS Jesus.


  1. Soooooo proud of you...YOU get it!! All I want is for our family to be together and enjoy each other. God has blessed us so much with a great bunch of kids that I can't keep from "tearing up". TRULY we are blessed!! I LOVE my family!!


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