straight from my heart

Have you ever wanted something?  I mean, really wanted something but you just knew it wasn't right for you at the moment?  It's especially difficult when it seems everyone around you has this something that you so desire.  But maybe it's not that I want this something as much as I think I do.  Maybe it's the opposite - maybe I want this because everyone around me has it.

I'm sure you know I'm talking about babies.  Mom, Dad and I recently went to Houston and all my friends there have babies.  Two of my dear friends and roommates from college are expecting.  Three ladies from my Sunday School class are expecting and everyone else already has children.  It's like there's something in the water and my initial reaction is to stay away from it!  But then that desire to be a mommy creeps in.  I think if I just steal a little drink what could happen?

I don't know how we would handle a little one at the moment.  But isn't that part of the excitement?  I've heard countless stories of unexpected pregnancies, and I know it's difficult, but part of me wants to share in that difficulty and have a story to tell.  We've gone through studies on parenting and the only thing I can relate to is having 25 (yes 25!) eight- and nine-year-olds. I long for the day that I can share a story from an experience with MY child.

But it comes down to this: God's timing for me is never the same as His timing for my roommate, or my childhood friend or another girl in my Sunday School class.  I could not be happier for any of the families and I pray His blessings on them.  It's a lesson in contentment - a BIG lesson in contentment.  Thanks for letting me be vulnerable.


  1. Nate and I knew the day that you guys were engaged that you would have kids before us. haha. That is funny.

    I sometimes feel like that, but then I think about the fact that we don't have a house or any kind of normal life right now.... A kid would be crazy. I'm sure that we will stick to our plan and have one a year or two after we get a new house (if I can talk your brother into it then). For now I will just play with our friend's kids and be grateful for all the time I have with just Nate.

    Enjoy your time with your husband till the time is right!


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