Avery Marie

Since big sister got a blog all about her, it's only fitting that I do the same thing for Avery.  I fell in love with the meanings of Aubrey's names, so I sat out to discover the meanings of Avery's names as well, knowing something beautiful would await that would inspire me to write.  I searched one website.  I hated what I saw, but after searching dozens more with the same results, I came to this conclusion: you will never see us at Things Remembered getting one of those plaques with Avery's name meaning on it.  The store where you go to pick out the matted picture of your name meaning with a rainbow painted behind it will never get our business.  This is what I repeatedly came across: "Rebellious Elf Ruler".  Insert laughter, horror, you name it.  So, who names their kid something like this?  Honestly, a couple trying to find something that matched the older sibling's name and use a family name at the same time.  I think I'll go ahead and print out the official name change papers and put them in Avery's baby book (which I have yet to buy) so she'll have them when she's of legal age to change her name.  Epic fail, Mama.

So, now I'm doing what everyone does when a decision they make does not lead to great results: I'm trying to spin this into something positive.  I've had a few days to let it set in and I think I have something.

I thought about these elves in "Lord of the Rings"...


And this girl who led a rebellion in "Star Wars"...

I mean, minus the Cinnabon ears, I kind of like Princess Leia.

I don't know about "Elf Ruler", but I've been sitting here thinking of all the ways my 7-week-old daughter has rebelled against us.  This list is quite extensive for someone so small.  She's rebelled against taking all of a bottle, rebelled against pooping, rebelled when I've placed her under her gym to watch lights and listen to music and rebelled against sleeping anywhere but Mama or Daddy's chest.  She's also rebelled against RSV and kicked it's rear.  If we can get through the teenage rebellion years in one piece, my prayer is that she'll grow up to lead a rebellion against everything evil.  Lead something for Christ.  Dream big and then go after it.  There's nothing stopping this red-haired, blue-eyed beauty.


  1. Cinnamon ears. Love it!
    And we won't be buying the name meaning plaques either... mainly because at least 2 of them don't even have a meaning associates with their names. Which I kind of like... they get to create their own story or meaning. :)

  2. "Autocorrect is my favorite!" said no one ever. I like the getting to create their own story!


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