My girls

Precious baby girls, if you ever find it in your heart to begin a blog, there's one word I want you to remember: forgive.  Forgive yourself.  Know from the beginning that you will intend to write a new post every day or every week and that it will not always happen.  Your reasons for not writing won't always be the same, but you will be so busy living your life that you forget to write about it.  But then you will come to the point that your heart is full to overflowing and you just have to share all the amazing things that have happened to you.  It's then that you will be inspired, grab a cup of coffee, and begin writing away.

This is where I find myself today.  Forgiven and writing.  In a different home.  With a different job.  Driving a different car.  With a body that definitely looks different from what I've put it through the past couple of years.  I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee from yesterday morning that I have heated up 9 (count it, NINE) times over the past 24 hours.  I am being serenaded by baby girl #2 hiccupping in her swing while her big sister snoozes away to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

I was reading my previous posts to prepare myself for this one and noticed that I have not written since August 11, 2011.  I didn't know it at the time, but we were expecting our first baby then.  I also found my way to a post from August 12, 2010 where I wrote from the depths of my soul about my longing for a baby and a family.  One year and nine months later, 5.13.12, we welcomed Aubrey Evelyn into our family.  Does a baby really change everything?  You bet she does.

A girl and her dog

But wait... I said TWO earlier.  See, when the Bible says that God works in mysterious ways, it is not joking.  Aubrey was 9 months old when we got pregnant for the second time.  "Are you kidding me?" was all I said as I sat and started at two lines on a stick.  I then spouted off about 8 phrases and did not complete any of them.  "But we..." "I told you..." "Do you think..." "How could this..." and the list goes on and on.  If you think one baby changes everything, just wait for the second one to arrive.  Avery Marie made her appearance 11.21.13.

Our girls have changed our lives for the better in every way imaginable. *Speaking of changing, I just took a 10-minute timeout to take care of a poopy diaper. How something so small can produce something so large I will never understand.*


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