a mama's prayer

It's a snow day.  Again.  I didn't bring school stuff home last night.  Again.  I could really be catching up on lesson plans and grading, but alas, I'm not venturing out into the negative wind chills to make that dream a reality.  Instead, both of my girls are sleeping, and to keep myself from devouring the entire pan of brownies I made for my husband, I'm going to write.

When your husband is an undertaker, you gain a different perspective on life.  You tend to think about the legacy you want to leave for your family.  I'm not being morbid here, but the truth is, none of us know when we'll say goodbye for the last time.  So, this one is for my baby girls...

Sweethearts, I love you more than anything else in this life.  When you came into my world, I had no idea how much it would change.  I don't know what it's like to get more than 6 hours of sleep at night, my clothes are never totally clean, my definition of a vacation is using the bathroom alone and I dream of being able to take a shower long enough to shave both of my legs.  But you have brought me more joy than I ever imagined, rocking you to sleep gives me a peace that nothing else can, and I secretly like folding all your tiny laundry and smelling it as I put it away.

One of these days, you're going to start school.  The time between now and then seems like an eternity, but it will be here before we know it.  You'll make friends and have a wonderful time, but you'll get your feelings hurt too.  Your hearts are already so big that you'll have a hard time understanding that not everyone thinks you're as amazing as your parents do.  When that happens, don't let it get you down.  Focus on the friends who like you just the way you are.  When you have a good idea, some people will try to make you feel inadequate.  Pray for them.  They're not happy or they wouldn't feel the need to treat others they way they do.  Your parents and Jesus love you for you, so if anyone ever says you need to change to be their friend, they could not be more wrong.  It's not worth it.

Be content just being you.  Enjoy being young and not having a ton of responsibilities.  Run in the opposite direction of gossip and drama.  For the sake of your mama and daddy, please!  Because you're sisters and so close in age, you're going to fight.  I'm already preparing myself for this.  But remember that your sister is God's gift to you.  Cherish one another and the relationship you have.

This one is going to be difficult.  You're going to grow up and start dating.  It's just inevitable and I'll be fine... eventually.  You are beautiful inside and out, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to date.  But guard your hearts, baby girls.  Don't give pieces of your heart away to boys.  Wait.  Be patient and wait.  My prayer for you is that you'll be so in love with Jesus that you'll be following Him and find a man who is following Him too.  When it's time, the two of you will grab each others' hands and follow Jesus together.  I have prayed for your future husbands every day since before you were born.  Don't miss the one He has for you because you're too busy chasing boys.

I know that I won't always be the coolest mom.  I'll be overprotective and you'll want me to chill.  We won't agree on a curfew but your daddy will back me up.  I'll hug you in front of your friends and you'll get embarrassed.  I will fail you.  You will disappoint me.  But nothing, NOTHING, will ever take away the love I have for you.

Above everything else, I pray that we raise you to realize the calling God has placed on your lives.  As much as I want to claim you, you are ultimately His.  Make Him proud, sweethearts.


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