A good kind of busy

I haven't felt much inspired lately.  To be honest, I've busied myself so much that I haven't had time to sit down and take it all in.  I'm not one of those people who, when she's asked how she's doing, replies (out of breath) "Oh, busy, busy, busy!"  Those people drive me nuts!  I'm the one who's done this to myself and it's catching up with me.  I've lost contact with dear friends and even my husband on occasion.  Things are going full force at the fun home and at school, so we haven't seen much of each other lately.  We talk on the phone and text more than we sit down and have a conversation.  Heaven forbid, we have supper together!  I don't think I've ever experienced a Christmas so packed full of parties, people, gifts and activities.  It's enough to make a woman forget the real Reason for the season.  (Forgive me for using the cliche phrase.)

One thing I'm reminded of in this Christmas season is that God is faithful.  He's been so faithful even when we didn't think we needed Him to be.  I'm not saying we're taking Him and His provision for granted.  It's just that we were moving along ok and getting settled in, and we thought that everything around us was too.  Let's reflect over the past couple of weeks and you'll get what I'm saying:
1. We had to terminate our lease, costing us over $1800 in a single day.  Painful blow to the checking account, especially when we expected it to be only $1400.  The next week we got a letter from Cox with a reimbursement check.  Then, Landon got a bonus which we weren't expecting.  Someone knew that we were going to need help coming up with that extra $400 we hadn't budgeted for.
2. Our internet provider is saving us several dollars by us allowing them to use our satellite as a mini tower for the people around us to get internet.  Helping us while we help others.
3. A student showed up with an external harddrive that her dad bought me so I can backup my files just in case my computer crashes.  Check one thing off the Christmas list already.
4. We went to the doctor.  Not the female doctor; my neurologist.  (They're not just for old people!)  He told us that we're going to have to plan and be more careful than other people, but having a biological baby is definitely not out of the question.  Plus, he's saving us a ton of money by writing my prescription for a 3 month supply rather than 1 month.
5. The energy efficiency of our home is cutting our heating bills nearly to half what they were in the apt.
6. My husband slaved over hanging Christmas lights in the bitter cold and wind and they're just beautiful!
7. I've been listening to Christmas music!

Finances have always given me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, but, every time I turn around, God is surprising me.  We'll have to tighten our belt for a little bit while everything smoothes out, but we're actually going to be able to breathe easy, which hasn't happened since we got married.  I even got to eat supper with my husband tonight!


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