a blast from the past

So, there's this old song that came to mind yesterday after we closed on our house.  What's that you say?  No, you didn't read incorrectly.  We sold our house yesterday!  It goes a little something like this:

So if there's anything I've learned from this journey I am on
Simple truth will keep you going and simple love will keep you strong
'Cause there are questions without answers and flames that never die
And heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise
Thank You, Lord, how could I ask for more

That's the truth.  After a week of breaking up arguments, saying "Are you tattling or tellling?" and seeing children walk away, raising my voice when I promised I never would, and forgetting what day it is, I really couldn't ask for more.

See, in the same week, we've sold our house, I've cried and rejoiced with friends, I've had more hugs than I could count from 8-year-olds "just because" and I've seen a sunset that could take your breath away.

Some days I feel like superwoman and other days I want to crawl in a hole 'til the storm blows over, but He never gives me more than I can handle.

It's all for His glory and our good to accomplish His good, pleasing and perfect will.


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